Retirement Contribution Calculations

Depending on which retirement plan schedule your Center follows, you will have a percentage of your base salary paid into your retirement fund each month, or a set dollar amount as specified by your Center.

Percentage Allocation (full month)

Example: Your salary is $50,000 and your employer contributes 15% of that salary per year; the regular monthly contribution is calculated as follows:

  • $50,000 ÷ 12 = $4,166.67 per month × 15% = $625 per month contribution.

Percentage Allocation (partial month, beginning July 17)

  • ($50,000 ÷ 12) × (15 ÷ 31days) = $2,016.13;
    • $2,016.13 × 15% = $302.42 contribution for the partial month.

Please note that some Centers do not adhere to the recommended 15% retirement contribution benefit. Please verify the exact retirement benefit calculation with Human Resources department at your Center.